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Will Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Be Dismissed if You Go Back to Work?

New York Workers Compensation Attorneys

If you are like most people, even after you get hurt in the workplace, you’d really like to be working. Accordingly, even when you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you may want to try to return to work, to some sense of normality in your life, to see if you can be back in the workplace without pain or discomfort. But you may worry that an attempt to go back to work could put your benefits at risk. How does going back to work affect an existing workers’ compensation claim?

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What Is a Consequential Injury in a Workers’ Compensation Case?

Understanding Consequential Injuries in Workers’ Compensation Cases

In the aftermath of a work-related injury, it’s pretty common to focus on the most obvious injuries you’ve suffered. Maybe you slipped and fell, breaking a bone or tearing a ligament. But those types of injuries can have other consequences. For example, an injury to one knee can cause you to overcompensate with your other leg, leading to problems with your other leg, or even misalignment in your spine, with attendant back or neck problems. These types of injuries are known as “consequential” injuries and you have a right to recover workers’ compensation benefits if they make it difficult or impossible for you to work.

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Do You Know What Workers’ Compensation Benefits Will Cover?

Knowing What Workers’ Compensation Will Cover

Queens | NYC | Brooklyn | Bronx Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

When you suffer a serious injury on the job, such as a broken bone, torn ligament or herniated disc, you can be pretty certain that any losses associated with that injury will be covered by a workers’ compensation claim. But what about seemingly minor injuries? What if you crack a tooth in a slip and fall on the job? What if a work-related mishap causes you permanent scarring or disfigurement?

The answer is that workers’ compensation is responsible to pay for all types of losses, provided the loss was sustained in a job-related accident or incident. Here’s the important caveat, though—you must have all necessary medical records and documentation to support your claim:

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