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Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, and Personal Injury Lawyer in Brooklyn, NY

How Can a Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?

Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer: Legal Assistance for Workplace, Car Crash, and Slip & Fall Accidents in New York, NY

If you have an injury sustained in a workplace accident, car crash, or slip and fall accident in New York, NY, you should seek an attorney to represent your rights. The attorneys at Pyrros, Serres & Rupwani, have experience representing clients in personal injury cases and other claims. Whether you require an experienced Social Security or workers’ compensation lawyer, our attorneys have the knowledge you need. Learn the important facts about personal injury law and working with injury attorneys in New York.

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Workers' Compensation Lawyers explaining New York workplace accident coverage laws, employer insurance requirements, employee compensation, and claims assistance.

Our attorneys can discuss with you in detail New York’s laws when it comes to coverage for workplace accidents. The law requires most employers to carry this type of insurance. These regulations dictate that employees can receive compensation if injured on the job. Those who suffer physical injuries or occupational diseases are likely to receive compensation.

You need to notify your employer and file a claim with their insurance company within a specific time period. Our lawyers can help make sure you file the proper paperwork within the deadlines. 

Our lawyers can assist with many aspects of your workers’ compensation claim. There are many scenarios when it is beneficial to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer: 

  • Your employer denies your injury qualifies as a workplace accident.
  • Your employer denies your workers’ compensation claim.
  • The settlement offered is not enough to cover your medical bills.
  • Your workplace retaliates against you for filing a claim.
  • The insurance carrier denies the treatment that you need.

workers’ compensation lawyer can also walk you through the claims process if your injury is due to the negligence of a third party. 

What Workers’ Compensation Benefits Are Available?

You may receive a few types of compensation if you suffer an injury in a work-related accident. Depending on the nature of your injury, you may get the following compensation:

  • Wage benefits
  • Medical treatment compensation
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Disability compensation

Approved claimants receive wage benefits of up to two-thirds of their weekly income. New York law does not require your employer to keep your job open while you recuperate, but this is a requirement in specific Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) cases. If you qualify for  FMLA, your job must keep your position or an equivalent position open for you. 

New York state law requires employers to carry disability benefits for other off-the-job injuries, including pregnancy. Short term disability insurance pays benefits for a maximum of 25 weeks. However, financial compensation for medical bills is not covered under these disability claims. 

How Can a Social Security Disability Law Firm Help?

The attorneys at Pyrros, Serres & Rupwani can go over with you the conditions for Social Security Disability including, logistics of monthly payments, and required paperwork. There are strict requirements for receiving Social Security benefits. Some of the conditions state that you must: 

  • Have a covered disability due to illness or injury
  • Have a documented mental or physical disability expected to last 12 months or more
  • Became disabled after the loss of a spouse
  • Have a covered disability that occurred before the age of 22 years 

Generally, one or more of these conditions must apply for you to receive Social Security benefits. Our Social Security disability law firm can help you understand if you qualify. 

How Much Can You Get in Disability Benefits?

If you are eligible for Social Security Disability benefits in New York, your weekly benefit is determined from how much you earned before your disability. Unlike other forms of compensation, like workers compensation or supplemental security income, Social Security comes from your lifetime earnings and not just the severity of your disability. The government may reduce your Social Security payments if you receive other forms of compensation. 

Most New Yorkers receive Social Security benefits averaging between $700 and $1,400 a month. You can get more if your spouse is also disabled. Some people are eligible for disability payments from multiple sources. If this is the case, you may get less money from each source. 

How Can Brooklyn Personal Injury Attorneys Help?

Personal injury is a legal term for any injury to the body, emotions, or mind, as opposed to an injury (or damage) to a piece of property. Personal injuries arise from many types of accidents, including car accidents, workplace incidents, slip-and-fall cases, and medical malpractice cases. Depending on the type of injury and the seriousness of your accident, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you gather evidence, complete paperwork, and communicate with the responsible party. 

Workers Comp Benefits

The most important factor in many personal injury cases is establishing liability. Our attorneys can work with you to determine how liability impacts your personal injury claim. 

Car Accident Personal Injuries 

Car accidents are responsible for most personal injuries in the U.S. Due to the area’s dense population and heavy traffic, car accidents are common in Brooklyn. While most auto accidents are minor, serious incidents often require extensive medical care. If a negligent driver caused the accident, that individual is financially responsible for your medical care.  

Keep in mind that New York is a no-fault insurance state. Car accident victims can receive compensation for damages in no-fault cases regardless of who caused the accident. You may receive compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages.  Personal injury attorneys can explain what compensation it is feasible for you to seek.

Slip-and-Fall Injuries

Slip-and-fall accidents are another common type of personal injury in Brooklyn. Property owners and business owners have a legal duty to keep their properties safe and free from hazards. If you slip and fall due to the negligence of a third party, you may receive compensation for your injury including medical expenses. A Brooklyn personal injury lawyer at Pyrros, Serres & Rupwani, can obtain the necessary evidence to establish liability and determine what compensation you may receive in slip-and-fall personal injury claims. 

Work with Pyrros, Serres & Rupwani’s Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyers

Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyers - Experts in Workers' Comp and Social Security Disability.

Are you ready to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer or a Social Security disability law firm? We have the knowledge to explain your case and figure out what evidence you need to better your chances of receiving compensation for your injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer can also help you understand if you are eligible for non-monetary compensation such as pain and suffering. Contact our Brooklyn law firm for a free consultation.