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What You Need to Know about Your Workers’ Compensationensation Attorney

Frustrated worker holding denied Workers' Compensation benefits application, facing common denial challenges and seeking alternatives.

What Are the Five Things You Should Look for When Hiring Legal Counsel?

Queens | NYC | Brooklyn | Bronx Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

When you’ve been hurt on the job, and after you’ve received the immediate medical care that you need, your first course of action should be to hire an experienced and proven Workers’ Compensationensation lawyer, so that you can fully protect your rights. What should you look for when seeking counsel to help you secure the benefits you need? Here are some questions you should ask any lawyer that you may consider hiring:

  • Is Workers’ Compensationensation a focus of your practice?—The Workers’ Compensationensation process can be complex, with potential stumbling blocks for an inexperienced lawyer. You want someone who has handled a lot of these cases, who knows how insurers and their attorneys will respond to your claim.
  • Does the attorney regularly go to court?—Workers’ Compensationensation proceedings typically involve hearings before judges or boards. You want a lawyer who knows how to make effective oral arguments, who understands the rules of evidence, and who can effectively respond to any issues or questions that arise during a hearing.
  • What process will your lawyer use to help you get the benefits you need?—What steps will your lawyer take to ensure that your claim is effectively moved forward in a timely manner?
  • Will your attorney be available to meet or talk with you if you have questions or concerns?—You want a lawyer who will be responsive, so that you always have a good sense of where you stand and what you need to do to keep the process moving forward.
  • How aggressively will your attorney advocate for you?—Will your lawyer treat your case as one of many that he/she is handling, or will your attorney take the time to really learn the details of your case and make strong arguments on your behalf?

The Important Things to Look for When Hiring a Workers’ Compensationensation Attorney

Results-Oriented Work Comp Attorneys in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and across NYC

At the law offices of Pyrros & Serres LLP, we offer proven workers’ compensation and Social Security disability counsel to clients in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and across the greater New York City metropolitan area. Because of our longstanding reputation for hard work and aggressive advocacy, many of our new clients come to us as referrals from clients and other lawyers.

To learn more about the full scope of our practice, see our practice area overview page or call our offices at 718-804-5406.

Pyrros & Serres LLP

NYC | Queens | Brooklyn | Bronx Workers’ Compensation Attorneys


About The Author

Picture of Michael Serres, ESQ.

Michael Serres, ESQ.

Michael Serres, ESQ. is a reputed Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Astoria, Queens, NY. He graduated from St. John’s University School of Law in 1989. Mr. Serres was admitted to practice law in New York State in 1990 and is admitted in the Federal District Courts for the Southern and the Eastern Districts of New York. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Workers’ Compensation Bar Association and is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Queens County Bar Association.