Returning to Work while Collecting Workers’ Compensationensation Benefits
How Will Going Back to Work Affect Your Claim?
Queens |NYC | Brooklyn | Bronx Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
You’ve been injured on the job and have successfully filed a Workers’ Compensationensation claim. The benefits you are receiving allow you to meet your financial obligations, but if you’re like most people, you’d really rather be working. You may be making medical improvements and wonder if you have recovered to the point where you can work again. At the same time, you may be reluctant to go back to work, for fear that you aren’t ready, but will jeopardize your work comp claim by returning to work. What should you do? What is the potential impact of a return to work on your continued eligibility for Workers’ Compensationensation benefits?
Always Check with Your Doctor First
Even though you may feel pretty good, your doctor will have a better understanding of your overall health and stamina. Tell your doctor what you want to do and ask if he/she is of the medical opinion that you can do that. Always get clearance from your physician before you return to work.
After You Return to Work
If your doctor clears you and you decide to return to work, you must immediately notify the Workers’ Compensationensation insurance company. You may, however, still receive work comp checks after you have returned to work. Do not cash those checks. Instead, return them to the insurer.
Once you are back on the job, keep a journal or diary, noting any time missed because of the injury, or any difficulties you face doing your job because of the injury. Any days that you miss can be part of a claim for additional benefits, provided you can show they were tied to your original injury.
If you return to work, but cannot continue because of the original injury, you’ll have to return to the doctor for an examination. If the doctor determines that your original injury is still making it impossible for you to work, your claim can be reopened and you can start receiving benefits again.
The Impact of Returning to Work on a New York Workers’ Compensationensation Claim
Proven Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and across New York City
At the law offices of Pyrros & Serres LLP, we offer experienceed workers’ compensation and Social Security disability counsel to people in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and across the greater New York City metropolitan area. Because of our longstanding reputation for hard work and strong representation, many of our new clients come to us as referrals from clients and other lawyers.
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